六合宝典开奖 Names New President: Executive Vice President, Dr. Heidi Popham to lead the college

June 6, 2019

Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) Commissioner Matt Arthur has appointed a new president to lead 六合宝典开奖. Dr. Heidi Popham, Executive Vice President at 六合宝典开奖, has been named President of 六合宝典开奖.

“Dr. Popham is a strong leader for 六合宝典开奖,” said TCSG Commissioner Matt Arthur. “Her years of experience in technical education certainly equip her for the job, but it’s her passion for students and her commitment to developing a workforce within the community that make her the right choice to lead 六合宝典开奖 going forward.”

Dr. Heidi Popham has worked for 六合宝典开奖 for more than 23 years. Her career at the college began when she was hired as the Executive Assistant to the President. Since then, Popham gained significant leadership experience having held positions as Director of Institutional Effectiveness, Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness, and in her latest role as Executive Vice President.

Dr. Heidi Popham, Executive Vice President at 六合宝典开奖, has been named President of 六合宝典开奖.
Dr. Heidi Popham, Executive Vice President at 六合宝典开奖, has been named President of 六合宝典开奖.

“I am honored to be chosen as 六合宝典开奖’s next president,” said Popham. “This college is a tremendous asset to the community and I intend to build on its legacy of providing northwest Georgia with a skilled workforce that meets the needs of the 21st century economy.”

Popham holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Organizational Management from Covenant College, a Master of Education degree from the University of Georgia, and a Doctor of Education degree from the University of Georgia. Popham will assume her new role effective June 16th.

The State Board of the Technical College System of Georgia approved Commissioner Arthur’s appointment of Dr. Heidi Popham on Thursday, June 6th in Atlanta.

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The 22 colleges of the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) are Georgia’s top resource for skilled workers. TCSG offers world-class training in 600 associate degree, diploma and certificate programs to students who are trained on state-of-the-art equipment by instructors who are experts in their fields. The system also houses Georgia’s Office of Adult Education, which promotes and provides adult literacy and education programs, including the GED testing program, throughout the state. In addition, TCSG partners with companies through Quick Start, the nation’s top customized workforce training program, and through its individual colleges, who work with local industry to provide workforce and training solutions. For more information, visit TCSG.edu.


Mark D’Alessio

